With today’s wide variations in mattress sizes and depths, off-the-shelf “universal fit” bedding almost always proves disappointing to those who truly love their sleep. And with the growing popularity of memory foam, featherbed and other types of mattress toppers, variations in mattress depth affect how traditional mattress pads and fitted sheets actually “fit” the bed.
The fact is, “universal fit” bedding rarely fits anything well, leaving consumers increasingly frustrated by loose-fitting sheets and mattress pads that bunch up and wrinkle when they get in bed, or undersized sheets popping off the corners of the mattress while they sleep. Even otherwise simple tasks like making the bed each day, or changing sheets during laundering, can become difficult and frustrating activities when bed linens don’t fit properly.
This is why Everest Linens tailors all of our bedding according to our customer’s specific needs. Custom-fitted sheets (or sheets that are designed specifically for the size or shape of a customer’s mattress) provide significantly greater comfort & convenience, and can noticeably contribute to a better night’s sleep. Fitted sheets and mattress pads tailored to the proper depth for the mattress, and finished with high quality full-perimeter elastic, are guaranteed to fit like a glove!